The Beginning of Our Story

Author | Steve

Maybe its a mid-life crisis…or maybe its something way better. I’m going with the latter.

We are a family of six who just sold our house and gave away or sold most everything we own. We are down to car, clothes, bikes, and a few essentials. Ok…a little more than a few, but only what we can fit in the trailer we are going to pull behind our Suburban. We are headed out on what we are calling a Trust Journey.

We feel a bit like Abram did when God called him to move without knowing where; a bit like the first disciples who dropped everything and followed Jesus. We are taking the next 6-12 months to wait on the Lord, by traveling this great land, visiting and praying and worshipping with some of the most amazing people God has put in our lives. During this time, we trust that God will speak to us as a family, will prepare us for what is next, and will deepen our trust in Him as we learn to live in a vastly different way than before – a way that believes God provides everything, a way that expects God’s kingdom to show up in the everyday life we are living.

We don’t believe everybody has to do this. God has just laid it on our heart to do this. And a lot of people have asked us to share our journey, so here it is. We’re not promising much. We don’t know what to expect, except that God has already been blowing our minds with His faithfulness. That might be worth reading about.

~ The Wiechmans

13 thoughts on “The Beginning of Our Story

  1. Steve you and your family have touched my life and my family in amazing ways the past two years. We will miss you! But like the first time we met God is in the miracle business. Waiting on Him trusting Him with everything especially your family unconditionally is so hard yet WOW what He can do with that trust and faith. We will be praying for you all and I would be honored to follow your journey. I am honored that you are willing to share your journey! Now I call that trust!! Father God please bless this family as they leave it all behind to wait on You. Wait on Your will and your hand for everything they do even more faithfully day to day. Keep them safe and protected. Give them health, joy, peace, family and friends that will stand by them but more importantly stand with them in prayer! I leave them all in Your hands!!!!


    • Cassie,
      I still remember meeting you at the hospital that night…then this year watching Robert play flag football! Thanks for loving us like family. And thanks for praying for us!


  2. Pastor Steve I’ve always admired your integrity and now your bravery. I send you on your journey with five words. Compassion for you and you family as you set out on this new adventure. Integrity which I know runs through every inch of your being. Civility which you will need to exercise at times when things won’t always go well. Respect for all your family members will be looking to for your leadership on this journey. Finally and most important of all this ties it all together Responsibility for the lives yours and that of your family members which the Lord places in your capable hands. What a great and credible task to take to heart that the Lord has called you to travel with the people who are your loved ones. I value what you are doing and will pray for you along the way. Do keep in touch, and do let us know where you are. Perhaps you are starting a innovative ministry. If I were you I’d start a crowd sourcing webpage and setup a paypal account so people can contribute to this journey. There are Internet cafes and Starbucks all along the way and best of all they are free! Gods speed my friend and I believe this is a good cause and I think people will send you assistance for this cause. Cool runnings and prayers to you and your blessed family!


  3. I applaude and admire your dedication,conviction and faith. If your journey leads you to Illinois please contact me. Let me show you where your Mom & I played as kids and show you where her ancestors started out matter they arrived from Germany

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Steve, thanks for sharing your journey. I will look forward to reading your blog. Linda and I just went through something very similar in getting ready to become a part of Hods mission in Germany – selling our home, our cars – reducing our worldly belongs down to th 40 small boxes we shipped over here and to what little would fit in the 10×10 storage unit back in the states… It was scary… And yet I would tell You also that God has been very faithful… Looking forward to reading your blog.
    Your India Room mate Wayne


  5. Sounds like you’re putting worldly things behind you and putting God in front of you!
    Very radical to the world but it makes sense to a Christian! Many blessings on your journey!


    • Honestly, we’re just trying to be faithful to God’s calling Mark. Gotta admit, it’s a little scary when you’ve trusted things for your safety and security for a long time without even knowing it. But we believe God is big enough to take change our hearts on this. Peace to you and your family.


  6. I’m not real tech minded, but follow a little about yours and Rebecca’s familes from your Mom’s Facebook. It reminds me of “goid old “St. mark days! Saw your blog, about your new Faith journey, and would love to follow along. Landon still remembers you working with his St Mark soccer team, and feels he encouraged you to go to Seminary. That was a long time ago.😀 Praying for Blessings on your new encounters.
    Bonnie Schulze


  7. Pingback: Some Things We Learned in Michigan | DropNets

  8. Pingback: Not What I Thought | DropNets

  9. Pingback: Family Update #4 (Kinda) | DropNets

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