Trust Adventure 2.0

author | Jamie

The house is set up. The suitcases are unpacked. The books are on the shelves. It is time. It is time to establish a routine and do the regular things of life – grocery shopping, meal planning, chores, bedtimes, work, etc. While I know that it is surely time for these things to begin, I am also somewhat sad. This feels like the death of my adventure. It seems like I might be giving up on the dream to just go live a “normal” life. Is this true, or is there a way to still live the Trust Adventure while doing the regular work of life?

Is there a way to still live the Trust Adventure while doing the regular work of life?

I guess this is what I expected would happen someday. Steve and I thought we’d take 6-12 months of sabbatical time to rest and heal and trust in the Lord’s provision. We have done that for 9 months and have received more from our Father than we had ever hoped or dreamed.

We have learned to seek God, trust God, experience His peace, laugh, fight, confess, forgive, humble ourselves, rest, battle, pray and more. I realize that we have so much more to learn, but it is possible that this next phase of learning might better be done in the context of an established life rhythm. I know God can be trusted with that reality. Yet I wonder if He can show me how to do regular stuff with a Trust Adventure mindset. What would that look like?

Yet I wonder if He can show me how to do regular stuff with a Trust Adventure mindset.

One tendency I have recognized in myself recently is to pick up the work that needs to be done, and to also pick up the pressure and burden that often accompany work. I realize that Jesus offers a way to take on a task or responsibility without the pressure. I’ve never really done it that way before.

I know that Jesus has offered to carry all my burdens, so this morning as I drank my coffee, I meditated on that truth. I remembered that while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me, and He chose me before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. I know that His delight in me is so vast and deep already, that no amount of doing things right or producing good results are needed to convince Him that I’m important. I’m already significant and have great value in His eyes.

I know that Jesus’ delight in me is so vast and deep already, that no amount of doing things right or producing good results are needed to convince Him that I’m important.

That is my happy place. When I rest in the reality of my true identity, walking each day hand in hand with my Savior, there is no burden too great. There is no pressure of any consequence. The one who knows me the best, smiles when He looks at me. Everything else pales in comparison to that.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus

Look full in His wonderful face

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim

In the light of His glory and grace.

With that perspective in mind, I will move forward into establishing a regular family rhythm. TRUST ADVENTURE 2.0 BEGINS NOW!

6 thoughts on “Trust Adventure 2.0

  1. “…pick up the work that needs to be done, and to also pick up the pressure and burden that often accompany work. I realize that Jesus offers a way to take on a task or responsibility without the pressure.” GOOD STUFF!


  2. Oh, I so hope so, Jamie! I have been living the “ordinary” life for almost 73 years now. I so hope so . . . yes, I know so. Pastor Neeb shared the following verse with me some time after Norris left, and I keep it where I see it every day — “I steadier step when I recall, that though I slip Thou doest not fall.” I have learned to do the little daughter-daddy dance, standing on His feet, holding His hands, letting Him move me to the music. I, for one, am happy and thankful all of you are back home. I shall continue to pray for your adventure as you continue with the Ordinary life. I love you, my dear lady. — Joyce


    • Thank you so much, Joyce. I love that image of the daddy-daughter dance. I will hold that one in my heart. It’s always good when I remember that I’m just the kid. He’s the Daddy, and he has arms big enough to carry me and whatever else needs to be carried.


    • Mandii!! It’s so good to hear from you! We drove past your office on a Saturday recently and wished we could have seen you. We miss you, too, and hope you’re doing well.


  3. “I know that Jesus’ delight in me is so vast and deep already, that no amount of doing things right or producing good results are needed to convince Him that I’m important.”
    Love this one! So perfectly stated.
    May God continue to bless y’all with the amazing, mundane-everyday-life adventure.


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