
Author | Jamie

Dear Friends,

Learning to follow Jesus – really follow Him – is a tricky business. As we have been attempting to do this, we have run into all sorts of obstacles along the way. I am amazed to discover how many of those obstacles stem from something inside me. I want to follow God, but I worry what people think. I want to say yes to God’s way, but His way seems slow and unproductive. I want to trust my Father, but I worry that He’s not considering some of the things that are important to me.

                                                                      we have run into all sorts of obstacles along the way…many of those obstacles stem from something inside me

I have to confess that it is easy to fall into the trap of believing that this “Trust Adventure” is just a means to an end. It is giving God a chance to do what needs to be done so that we can get on to the next thing – the thing that really matters. That is dangerous thinking for me. It makes me discontent with today – the day God has given me to live. It blinds me to the gifts He’s given me now as I impatiently look forward to future gifts.

That is dangerous thinking for me. It makes me discontent with today.

I hate to admit this, but I do not know where my family will be sleeping a month from now. We have a couple ideas, but we are having trouble picking one. In different conversations over the last month, we have spoken very passionately about our next step. Very passionately about very different next steps. Honestly, we have begun to feel a bit flighty.

                                                                               I hate to admit this, but I do not know where my family will be sleeping a month from now.

As we sought our heavenly Father about this issue yesterday, He graciously invited us to back off major decision-making for a while to take some time to pray. Had I been praying about this already? Sure. But I was praying on the run – worried that if I didn’t get an answer fast I would miss what God had for me.

Now we are pausing from decision-making and seeking our Father as a family. We are no longer plowing ahead. We are telling our kids that we are struggling to discern and are inviting them to seek God together with us and wait for His answer.

Now we are pausing from decision-making and seeking our Father as a family.

I’ll tell you, this has been a bit awkward. It invites anarchy – everyone pushing their own agenda. It brings up the question, “How do I know what God is saying?” that can be tough to answer. And it can feel like no one is in control.

As we are seeking God together, there are unexpected problems, but more than that, there are unexpected gifts. I love hearing my children pray. I love talking with them about God, even if I can’t answer all their questions. I love seeing God change us as we spend time in His presence. I love watching God come through and destroy the lies of the Enemy and bring our family into His light!

                                                             As we are seeking God together, there are unexpected problems, but more than that, there are unexpected gifts.

Will God give direction for our next step? I imagine. However, I don’t think that is His main goal. He is drawing us closer to Himself. Close. That’s the best place we could possibly be.

2 thoughts on “Close

  1. Jamie,
    One of my favorite sayings is “God always provides, just never in advance.” It seems that one of God’s favorite things is urging us to live in the moment. Even if we are in a position to THINK we know where we will be on down the road, it is not a good idea to hang on to that idea too tightly.

    Eight years ago, I was planning my wedding. I knew the man, Mark Lightfoot. I knew the place, Peace Lutheran Church. I knew the officiant we wanted – that would have been Steve Wiechman. We had even chosen some of the Scripture readings we wanted to hear. I got to read one of those readings at Mark’s funeral. In the twinkling of an eye, literally, my life changed completely as Mark collapsed and died.

    You would think by now I would have learned!! But not really. Because I still want to know the future…don’t we all!

    I think you are taking absolutely the right approach whether it feels comfortable or not. When the time is right, God will speak.


    • Dear Kris,
      Thank you so much for sharing that. I was just reading in Psalm 40:5 “The things you have planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.” I am encouraged to be reminded that our God is a planner. He planned things for today. I’m going to try to pay attention to those things and let him worry about the future. And trust that “when the time is right, God will speak.” Thanks for your encouragement!


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