Let’s Get Real

Author | Jamie

Okay, folks, let’s get real…  A grand adventure? Yes. For sure. But when does it start?

Do you see this picture? This is a picture of all the bags in my front hallway after my husband organized them. Every room in my house looked like this, but a little worse. The clutter in my house mirrored the clutter in my head. How do you take the accumulated stuff of 16 years of marriage and 6 people from a 2600 square foot house (not to mention attic, garage and shed) into the space of a 10 foot trailer (that we don’t have yet) when you don’t know where you’re going or when you’ll be back? Where do you even start?

We started by getting rid of the stuff that was not too hard to get rid of. (Well, too be honest, some of us started with tears, but that’s not the subject of this post.) Actually, we started by piling up the stuff that we could part with fairly easily. How would we go about getting rid of it? Should we have a garage sale? Should we donate it? What about family treasures? What about my child who needs me to go through every item with him? What if I give stuff away that I end up needing later? What if I don’t have a garage sale and that lack of funds causes my family to starve a month sooner?

My mind was so busy I could find no rest. Where is the adventure in this? Where is God’s provision? How do I move forward through my endless to-do list while resting in Jesus?

 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies (Psalm 23:5a)

This verse is an enigma to me. As my enemies (or my piles of stuff) stare over my shoulder, Jesus sets a grand feast. Fantastic food, fancy dishes and laughter. Lots of laughter. How can this be? There is so much to do, I can hardly find time to eat at all, much less recline at a table and laugh.

Maybe… just maybe, the task before me is not as insurmountable as it seems. My big God looks at my little piles, and he’s not worried. He knows what needs to be done and how much time there is to do it. He does not require my frantic pace or my perfect problem solving skills to get through it all. I think he’s even allowed time in this crazy schedule for nothing days. Days where we get nothing done. Sometimes I spend the nothing days crying. And that’s okay. My Father knows that there is stuff to cry about in this leaving. He sits with me in my tears and comforts me. It’s important not to rush through the crying days.

I’m hopeful, though, that I will learn through this process to spend some of the nothing days feasting. Feasting and laughing. Even in the presence of my enemies. Wouldn’t that be something?


20 thoughts on “Let’s Get Real

  1. I thank God for moving your hearts to share this experience – both the exciting days and the crying days! I believe we will ALL grow through it. Love you to the moon and back … or Missouri and back … or Michigan and back … or WHEREVER HE LEADS YOU AND BACK!!! Mom


  2. When logic over takes faith fear, anxiety and defeat begin to raise their ugly heads. One minute I’m excited and the next I find myself asking “how”. How will they do this or that but then it wouldn’t be an adventure if you had all the answers nor would it require faith. My new favorite word for this year is “GO”.


    • Exactly! We wrestled with the same things Dad. Actually, we still do many days. It is a daily dying to ourselves and laying down our idols, to follow Jesus and trust Him. And its not always clear. But our Father loves us, so we trust Him to take care of us and to lead us in paths of righteousness for the sake of His name – and His mission. Looking forward to seeing you soon.


  3. Jaime,

    Wow!! Jon and I are so excited for you guys! I have been praying that you guys hear God’s voice and walk in the destiny He created you for!

    We are going thru a season in our lives where we are pressing in to Him and asking that He show us our destiny in Him. Please pray for us, that we have the courage to “GO” when it is revealed. We are very inspired by your faith and willingness to let Him direct your path!!

    We love you guys and pray that all your dreams become reality!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement, Michaele. I will pray for your time of searching, too. May God draw you close to himself as you seek him.


  4. Wow. I love how you think, and how it translates to this written word. And I love how I’m reading this at the end of a day where God has pressed my heart to pray Psalm 36 and the joy of feasting from His abundance. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us! Love you so!!!


  5. Max Lucado’s book, “you’ll get through this”. Every challenge can equip you for a future opportunity. See your struggle as a preparation for life. God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him (Rom. 8:28)


  6. Jamie and Steve – The Bible verse from my devotion today – “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, But gave Him up for us all – how will he not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? ” Prayers for you and family.

    P.S. I would love to monetarily support you. How may I do this?


    • Lynne,
      Thank you so much for sharing Romans 8 with us (one of my favorite sections of scripture). One of the ways that God has not only upheld us during this crazy time, but has actually made us strong and certain, is through numerous friends sending us His Word.
      Thank you also for your generous offer to support us. I will get with you off-line to discuss this.
      In Christ,


  7. Oh, maybe I should refresh your memories – I worked with your Mom (Karen) at LEAH. Have “known’ you,Rebecca and families for many years.


  8. Jamie, I need to take lesson from you. I still can’t let go of my “stuff” even when it’s in the way of my life. I’ll be praying for you along the way. Let me know when you will be in Missouri. My e-mail is jw98@flash.net.


  9. Jamie, you and Steve and family are welcome here in Mount Vernon WA. Let me know if you will be out this way. What a trusting journey you are embarking on ! You will be an example to so many. I’ll be keeping you all in my prayers.


  10. I’ve always, in the back of my mind, wondered about doing something like this. (I’m not saying I’m ready, don’t even know if I’m being called to anything like this). The only people I’ve heard of doing this have sounded extremist (crazy) to me – the ones that give up their “normal” life for one in a commune or something. I’m fascinated by the way God is guiding you to keep some things, but only enough for the journey he has planned. I’m praising God for all the lives you are touching as you take this leap of faith.


  11. Pingback: Some Things We Learned in Michigan | DropNets

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